Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Vimo Exchange Inc. and its services.

No, it isn’t. It is only an exchange platform. We cash out to US Dollar for 3 major cryptocurrencies- Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and USDT (Tether).

We send the USD directly to the customer PayPal account.

It wroks in 3 simple steps:

  1. The customer transfers the crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT) to the wallet address we have provided.
  2. The customer then provides the transaction ID and the destination PayPal email address.
  3. We verify the transaction, convert to USD, deduct our service fees, and forward the rest to the PayPal address.

Vimo Exchange services are designed for amateurs. Those who do not know much about crypto trading but has some Bitcoin or other currency that they don’t know how to cash out should use our services.

Our services are also suitable for those want to get rid of their cryptocurrencies. Say you thought you’d make a lot of money since you heard many people did it. Now, you realize it’s not that easy because the market is always fluctuating. Professional traders know when to buy and when to sell, but most amateurs don’t. So the safest for them is to exchange what they have and get cash- something they can use.

Also, professional crypto platforms are full of scammers and hustlers. They will always try to buy from you at as low rate as they can and sell to you at as high rate as they can. Someone with no experience is likely to lose their money several times before they learn how to trade.

Ours is a safe service. There is no need to sell to anyone (person). We officially buy it from you at the current market rate (no higher or lower).

They can, but we would not recommend it.

First of all, professionals buy and sell at large volumes. We are limited. Our maximum limit per transaction is $2,000.00 USD, which is rather small.

Secondly, we only buy, we don’t sell, so professional traders may not find our services suitable.

  • Our minimum limit per transaction is $50.00
  • Our maximum limit per transaction is $2,000.00
  • Our maximum transactions per person/ per day (24 hours) are 3 transactions.

Note: If you need to transact more than 3 times in one day, you have to provide us with a different PayPal email.

Because we use PayPal as our cash-out medium, the limits apply. We want to make sure the payment we make don’t get held by PayPal as they often have the habit of doing.

Depending on which country the customer is from, PayPal has various limits. PayPal may hold a transaction for 1,7, or 21 days. That’s why we practice those limits as well to make sure the customer gets the money instantly.

Only two things:

  1. Your transaction ID.
  2. An active PayPal account (email).

No, you do not. We’re sure you have verified your ID with PayPal.

It takes about 30 minutes. We may be able to do it faster if the money arrives faster, but sometimes it takes about 15 minutes for us to receive BTC, ETH, or USDT, and we need another 15 minutes to do the conversion and send it to customer PayPal.

Our rate is the market rate at the time of the crypto arrival.

Our fee is 0.3% after conversion. So for a 100 worth of BTC, we pay out 99.97 USD.

However, PayPal has its own fees (average 2.8-3.0%), which gets deducted from the amount sent, so the customer may receive about $97.00

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