Welcome to Vimo Exchange Inc.

The easiest cryptocurrency exchange center. We accept direct cash-out to PayPal in USD ($) for 3 major cryptocurrencies.

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • USDT (Tether)

And we’re working to add many more.

crypto to paypal

How does it Work?

Its Very Simple.

On Your End

  1. Calculate and transfer the amount of cryptocurrency you want to exchange (Minimum $50.00/ Maximum $2,000.00)
  2. Provide us with the transaction ID which should look something like this: 8b1fff0e831e0f4c12bcfee56694eac442766f4a1aa0a62dabcb6b55f52db838
  3. Provide us with your PayPal email address

On Our End

  1. We verify the transaction (with the ID)
  2. We convert the cryptocurrency into USD (At market rate)
  3. We deduct our service fee (0.3%)
  4. We transfer the rest to your PayPal account

A Few Reminders

Things to consider and calculate before you initiate the transfer.

  • Our Rate = Market Rate
  • Our Fee = 0.3% after conversion.
  • Total Transaction Time (TTT) = 30 Minutes
  • Minimum transaction amount per transaction = $ 50.00
  • Maximum transaction amount per transaction = $ 2,000.00
  • Maximum allowed transactions per day = 3 times (More than that and PayPal will be suspicious, and put your money on-hold)
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